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Archive For: 2018

The start of something Red…

The start of something Red…

There is a saying in China: “He who doesn’t reach the Great Wall is no hero (Chinese translation : 不到长城非好汉 )”. This famous saying by the founding father of the Republic of China, Mao Ze Dong depicts that one cannot …

Paintball vs Laser Tag… the better evil.

Paintball vs Laser Tag… the better evil.

In the famous confrontation of David and Goliath, one cannot forget that Goliath was defeated by David’s sling and stones and suffered defeat with his head rolling, a biblical account which we live to tell today. If you think that
Playing paintball for the first time? READ THIS!

Playing paintball for the first time? READ THIS!

Starting paintball? Or to be really precise, are you thinking of playing competitive paintball? If the answer is no and staying recreational is the way of life then you do not need to buy anything paintball related. Paintball on its …

5 things you MUST do when playing paintball

5 things you MUST do when playing paintball

This is not ROCKET SCIENCE but yet after more than a decade of watching players play at Red Dynasty Paintball Park… something just doesn’t change. Whenever a paintball game is confirmed, a set of administration instructions will be sent to …

5 things you MUST do to play like a professional

5 things you MUST do to play like a professional

Here are 5 tips which we would like to share with new players. These 5 important factors if put into good practice can turn wonders for any paintball team playing at any playing level.

Break Out

Breaking out from the …